Step 1 of 2
If you have been unable to work due to problems working in the conditions outlined in the questions outlined above, please provide thorough details below.
I hereby certify that the above information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that, if I am employed, I will be liable to dismissal if any of the statements in my application are found to be deliberately misleading. I declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given is true and correct. I understand that inaccurate, misleading or untrue statements or knowingly withheld information may result in termination of employment with CBTB coffee house. I understand that this application does not constitute an offer of employment. I understand that, in some cases, police and credit checks will be required and I will be notified if this applies to this application. Special attention is drawn to the following: 1. You may be required to provide evidence of skills/qualifications and undergo a medical assessment prior to any offer of employment. If any false or misleading information has been provided by you in this application, you may be subject to instant dismissal. The collection, storage, access to and publishing of your personal information will be in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles Act.